Wednesday, July 3, 2013

"You can't save them all..."

We've been given so much good advice coming from places of wisdom and experience.  Specifically we've been given advice to know our limits and be realistic about what we can handle.  Its so heart breaking though, to hear the stories and statistics, and feel powerless to really make a difference.  We have to remember that God is bigger than all of this and he has a plan and a purpose.

We've already been in a few situations where we've had to make some hard choices.  One in particular we haven't closed the book on yet.  I don't know if God's asking us to take this step of faith, because that's exactly what it would be, but if He is...  I don't want to look back and wonder what could have been accomplished if we had chosen to be obedient and trust him for the strength to do something hard.  I also don't want to let our "savior complex," as my mom would call it, get the better of us, and allow us to romanticize the real challenges we would be facing.  Is God  even going to open this door as a real possibility (there's so much red tape and bureaucracy that could eliminate even having the opportunity to choose)?  If God does open the door, does he mean for us to walk through it?  We need to be certain, because this is no small thing, with potential for both beauty and disaster.

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