Friday, July 5, 2013

A Tender Heart

Some would see a tender heart as a weakness, but I think its a strength.  Its a tragedy when tender hearts are hardened by the struggle that is this life.  I would argue that maintaining a tender heart, in spite of painful and difficult experiences, is brave and courageous.

We don't feel like God is calling us to take on the challenge that I mentioned vaguely in my last blog entry.  Lets just say that the children in question where much older than we're considering, but because of a familiar connection our hearts were open to re-thinking our previously set boundaries.  Upon coming to this conclusion, even though we have a peace about our decision, I cried and mourned for these children for probably 3 hours on Wednesday night and they are obviously still on my heart now.  Even though I have never met them, they were just more real to me than the pictures we've looked at on the various state and non-profit adoption web sites for some reason (not that those precious kiddos aren't real).

I will continue to pray for them and hope for them.  May God bring people into their lives that will care deeply for them.  May God use their story for his glory.  My hope is that they find joy and love and peace and purpose.  My hope is that they find healing and closure from their past.

My prayer for Jeremy and I is that we continue to listen to God and allow him to direct us to the children he has for us.  May we keep our tender hearts even though we're going to potentially see and deal with some deep and damaging hurts.

There's a reason CPS has such a high turn over.  A person can only witness these atrocities for so long before they get calloused and burnt out. I can only imagine that they begin to feel as though the problem is too big and they're not really making a difference.  My prayer for our case workers and advocates is that they keep their tender hearts.  May they bravely bear the pain and burden of these defenseless and helpless little ones.  May they find a supportive group or church that will love on them and encourage them to press on in doing good things for the least of these.

Galatians 6:9

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