Thursday, March 12, 2015

31 feels pretty good

Well, I can say that I survived being pregnant now. I had nearly the whole package too. Morning sickness (lost 10 lbs in the first trimester). Heart burn like you wouldn't believe (I started sleeping sitting up on the couch about 4 or 5 months in and still needed nexium to sleep). Made two separate trips to the ER in the middle of the night, one for a subcorionic (spelling? ) hemorrhage and one for a 2 hour plus esophagus spasm. In the final trimester I started blowing up like a balloon and ended up having pre-eclampsia.  The final result was a c section at 38 weeks because of the pre-eclampsia and because little man was breach. Where's my T-shirt, bumper sticker, and coffee mug?

Now here I sit on my birthday, and Jackson's original due date, holding this precious miracle sleeping in my arms. He's perfect and beautiful and I am so in love.  It was all completely worth it, though I can't say we're planning to do it again (at least not on purpose). I'm also nearly back to normal so far as the swelling goes and I can sleep in my own bed again without taking nexium (happy dance). You know you were in bad shape when you feel better immediately after a c section than you did before.  Jackson is even letting me get a reasonable amount of sleep (I probably just jinxed myself).

Munchkin has now officially been transferred to adoptions!  We meet with his new adoption case worker next week and should hopefully have some more information regarding the time frame. His biological mom is still MIA, so the possibility of an open adoption is pretty much off the table.

Munchkin loves his new little brother and has been very good at being gentle with him. I can't believe how big he is now. He's using more and more words.  He's showing some interest in using the potty (though I don't know that he's quite ready yet). The toddler tantrum phase has begun though...  and Jackson will follow right behind him in another 18 months or so. :-) Yay...

I'm just so very much in love with our sweet little family though!  I love both of my boys so much! The process was different with each one. With Munchkin the "birth pains" were more emotional and psychological.  With Jackson they were predominantly physical.  They are both worth every bit of it. Every curve ball. Every tear. We're not at the end of the adoption journey for Munchkin yet, but we're pretty darn close. We're quickly approaching the light at the end of the tunnel.

Today is a happy day. I have so much to be thankful for. 31 feels pretty good.